Big Peach Rattery
Rat Varieties
Color :Agouti,Black,BEW(Black eyed white),PEW (Pink eyed white) Marten,marble/tabby,Red eyed Seal Point Siamese,Black eyed seal point Siamese,Fawn,beige,Cinnamon,Mink,Burmese,Silvermane (D'Argent)
Coat: Drex,Recessive hairless,Velventeen,Rex,standard
Pattern: Self,Capped,Hooded,Variegated,Irish,berkshire,Down Under
Ears-Dumbo and Standard
Before our rats are marked as available they are extensively temperament tested,health tested and checked.Most of our rats are have at least a 3 point pedigree and can be send upon request of the new owner.Once you have submitted a application and you have been approved you will be able to reserve available rats.At this time we do not require a deposit to hold your rat but that may change in the future.Please only reserve your rats if you will be able to pick them up within a week from Reservation date.We accept payment through paypal or Cash at pick up.You must bring your own appropriate carrier for transportation as I do not provide them.I do NOT allow people to just "hold" the rats in the car as it is unsafe and risks the rat getting loose from the owners.I do request having food and water available for the time of transpiration.The minimum age I allow rats to leave my rattery is 6-8 weeks.
There is a base cost of $30 per rat.(standard rats)
marble rats-$45-50 may range
Red eyed Siamese-$40 may range
Black eyed Siamese $45 may range
marten-$35-40 may range
Burmese-$45 may range
Prices range depending on pedigree,temperament coat quality and color quality.Prices may range slightly outside of stated pricing.Some varieties will not be available for a while as we work to improve our lines.
Lots of time,effort,thought,knowledge and patience are put into my rats everyday.These rats are NOT pet store quality rats.I put many many hours a day into my rattery and try my hardest to give the best quality pets and good customer service to my adopters.

Big Peach Rattery adoption process
Big Peach Rattery has earned its positive reputation because we go out of our way to provide the absolute upmost quality pets and educate those who are in need of guidance.